This weeks readings from IBRA follow the title 'Five Marks of a Successful Church' and then proceed to offer six reflections. This seems to give it a hint of a 'wisdom literature' feel - there are "five marks, even six..." kind of thing.
So what are they?
Light for our path offers:
- Time to make friends in the world
- Valuing every member
- Lifestyle integrity
- The right word at the right time (everyone equipped to bear witness)
- Accepting church (inclusivity)
- Supporting the mission
Words for Today offers essentially a series of sentences:
- A successful church lets go of defences and pretences.
- ... means spontaneous generosity.
- ... inspires exploration, questioning and growing in faith.
- ... empowers the powerless.
- ... pulls down barriers.
- ... lives poverty.
It is interesting how the same set of readings prompts two different lists (albeit not mutually exclusive) and it is interesting what is not included that many 'church growth' how-to manuals might suggest.
I wonder what five (or six) marks of a successful church we would draw up and why.
I wonder how our own churches measure up against either of these lists?
I wonder what the relationship is between success measured with these criteria and things like numbers, baptisms, members admitted etc, and even if there really needs to be one. I have a suspicion it is perfectly feasible to be a successful church that is static or shrinking in size if success is measured using such values as those above. If successful is about gospel authenticity then size really does not matter... even if it is rather nice that my church is getting bigger and even more multi-ethnic.
This has made me think - thank you - especially as I'm in a church where having lots of activity and people is seen as sucessful. One of the members said to me this week after the church meeting 'there's a lot going on isn't there!' I wonder what the church would be like if it sought these success markers instead. Then the question of how do you model these markers in ministry. Mmm... lots to think through! I'm glad you're back and provoking our thinking once more. Lots of prayers your way.
Success is one of those terms that is so subjective. If you look at the disciples when Christ is arrested it seems like Christ's discipleship plan didn't work. Only 1 out of the 12 are with him when he is on the cross. Go forward one hundred years and the gospel has been shared to entire known world.
Sometimes we try to define success to soon. Only when we stand before God will we truly know if we have or have not succeed.
Does it bother anyone else that these don't actually mention Jesus?
Surely church is about together being transformed into the likeness of Christ, and continuing what He started?
Hi Helen,
these are the titles so I guess they've tried tomake them 'snappy'
The reflections are along the lines of "Jesus broke down barriers so the church, being transformed into the image of Christ, should do liKewise" I think you'd propably find the notes affirm exactly what you're saying about finishing what Christ began.