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Falling Short - An Alternative Perspective

Yesterday's IBRA notes focussed on the section of Romans 3 that includes the phrase 'all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'  The commentator's observations arose from her experiences teaching disaffected and disenfranchised young people in the US.  When they arrive at the programme they are given a three hour test.  Most of them know they struggle with maths but assume their literacy skills are fine.  It is often a shock for them to disover that they 'fall short' of what is needed but, once they have accepted this is so, they are able to engage with the programme and build up their skills.

Too often we limit our view of sin to 'doing wrong things that deserve punishment' when the idea of 'missing the target' or 'falling short' is rather different.  With a pass mark of perfection no one is going to succeed however hard they try, however good their life.  Realising and accepting our imperfection gives us the opportunity to engage, with others, in the work of transformation (OK so God does the transforming but often it is mediated via people)... churches as collections of 'special needs' Christians... I think I kind of like that, keeps my feet well on the ground.

(As an aside it reminded me of the 'Sheedog Trials' sermon in Susan Howatch's The High Flyer which explored positive understandings of judgement)

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