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"Weekly Review"

Today I had what my appointment schedule termed a 'weekly review' - not bad as I'd just had zap 19 of 25.  It was all a bit something and nothing, which is probably why they don't do it until this stage in the treatment.  Essentially it involved me being asked how my skin was reacting - and being reminded I would have a perfectly square exit burn on my back (I do - I checked) - and how the fatigue was (generally not a problem so long as I drink gallons of water and keep active).  To be fair, had there been any significant skin reaction, the radiographers would have picked it up and dealt with it by now.

Anyways, I will be 80% done tomorrow with only one more week to freedom.  Hurrah!

Along the way I have met so many wonderful people, and know that even as I reach the far side of the 'river' next Wednesday others still have this journey ahead of them.  If it's your thing, please pray for A who will have her final dose of chemo pretty much as I have my final dose of nuking (I think one day earlier) and who has had a far rougher time with it than I did.  [As I type that I realise I know two A's currently going through chemo, so maybe pray for both...]

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