Well, it was tea actually, but it doesn't make for such a snappy title!
Today the mysterious 'A' and I met in the real world for the first time. Alice and her husband are up in Scotland visiting relies and looking at possible houses ahead of their move up here for her to train at SBC with BUGB.
We met at a place called Cup which is near the Gathering Place and is a great 'treat' place as they sell a vast range of cupcakes (though the gingerbread one which I really want to try seems always to be 'off').
It was good to hear something of her story, good to find another female engineer (and in her case pilot) who was called to ordained ministry and great that God is bringing more 'girls' this way...
Alice is also a blogger, but of a different kind - she has a photo blog here which is worth a look see.
HT to Sue for linking us up after she and Alice met at Baptist Assembly.
Hi Stewart, well over ten I reckon! Last seen in 1999 I think...! Let me know when you and your other half are up this way and we can catch up properly... nuclear power and oncology a stunning mix!