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Early Risers on a Sunday

As I sit in the comfort of my home, eat a leisurely breakfast and check a few emails, an unsung hero is busy putting out the chairs for church, something he does faithfully week by week before he has his breakfast.  By the time I get to church - about 20 mins after I finish typing this - the person who organises music for the choir will be in quietly sorting the books they need this week.  The people on refreshments are probably, even now, wrapping the lovely homemade cakes for after service coffee, and the communion setters up either sneaking into a shop for a fresh loaf (think fields, think Jesus) or busy cutting the squares for those who prefer that.

All over the UK the unsung servants of Christ are exercising their 'gift of helps' as they unlock doors, fill glasses with water for the preacher (I even get iced water!), dust down hymnbooks, set up screens and PA systems, in some places carry water to church, in others clear hypodermic needles and litter from door ways, in yet others load their cars with all that is needed to make 'church' happen...

So from this preachy person, who will arrive to find that 'all is now ready' THANK YOU.

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