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A Sphinx with a Swishy Tail

It's a hard life being a cat, trying to train a new human to understand your requirements... and what's with all this business of being confined to part of the house until you get used to the place?

Holly arrived last night and has been busy exploring the parts of the house she's been allowed into.  I suspect she's still hoping to find an escape route back 'home' and no way is she going to sit still long enough for me to photograph her.  She has the inscrutible face of the sphinx - and has once or twice adopted a sphinx position - and a very swishy tail!  This morning she deigned to speak to me and even jumped up to let me stroke her (after I'd replaced her vet food with some of her favourite flavour it has to be said).  Training (of me) will no doubt take some time.  Until then she paces, sniffs and now and again relaxes and rolls over onto her back.

Photos will follow once she feels she has enough control to demean herself to sit still for that long.

Whilst I'm out working today she will no doubt occupy a window seat and survey her new queendom.


  • Skye says 'miaow', Holly says 'it's really weird when animals have the same name as me'. Enjoy! =)

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