A quick interruption of my blog-abstention as I'm home for one night between hols and working my way south for the Bappy theology conference.
Firstly, to note that the lovely Annie is holding a concert to raise money for cancer research/bcc the same day I'm strolling round Glasgow in the dark with a similar aim. Now I know not many of you are in the right part of the UK, but I do know, because I used to live there too, that some of you are. So, if you live in Merseyside/Cheshire/Great Manchester you might like to check here for details of Annie's extravanganza. Please excuse her forrays into ancient French towards the end of the post, it's a drug side effect.
Secondly apologies to those who have tried and failed to leave comments - I know not what this blog platform is up to but it's behaving badly. Just as Blogger and Wordpress do from time to time. Hopefully it will soon be back to normal-ish! So to those who have other means of contacting me, thank you for your emails/PMs.
It spurns me regularly!
and it randomly loses comments!