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The Difference a Year Makes

Having just sneezed, and hoping I'm not getting a cold, I found myself realising how different things are this year than last:

  • That I was safe to travel on trains for substantial distances this weekend, to see people who have been exposed to different viruses and bacteria than I have.
  • That a cold is just a cold not a life-threatening illness
  • That having a flu jab (jag) this afternoon is merely a wise precaution not a potential life saver (well, it is, but not in the same way as last year); and that I don't have to time it to a 'good' week blood-wise
  • That I am able to be in crowds of people and not worry if any of them sniff, sneeze or cough (though I still wish they'd cover their mouths/noses!).

This time last year I was just getting on with what I had to get on with... I certainly didn't obssess over the possibility that a cold could kill me... but it's so much nicer that this year a cold becomes what it ought to be, an unwlecome intrusion in an otherwise healthy life.

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