So, this is a REAL cold, a proper keep-you-awake-cos-you-can't-breath and/or your-nose-drips-like-a-tap kind of a cold. Way back when, in the days I had a real job, one of my colleagues used to take great delight in me getting colds, as I always had a red nose, rheumy eyes and sometimes a husky/gravelly/lost voice... and was nicknamed Rudolph for a few days.
Hurrah for Beecham's powders, mixed with orange juice, honey and hot water, which stave off the worst of the acute-rhino-virus symptoms quite well.
An enjoyable day in prospect - and hopefully an hour's leaping about will drive out the little monsters that are hiding in my bloodstream - but definitely Rudolph the Red-nosed Preacher for tomorrow.
Hope the cold disappears soon, Catriona. Nothing worse than trying to lead a service while sniffling and croaking. :-(
O wow, a comment got through again. :-) I'll keep trying every time now.
it is most odd: sometimes it lets them through, sometimes it doesn't!