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Second Week of Advent: Tuesday

So, the Northumbria Community stick with Song of Songs (Solomon) this week, and it's really not so easy to work with that when I'm hunting elusive glimpses of peace.  The three readings are:

Psalm 90:12

Song of Songs 2: 10 - 15

Ephesians 4: 26, 32


Of these, the one that seems the most helpful, or 'on theme' is the Ephesians but, two verses peeled away from their wider context, but with important messages:

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry... Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

"Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath" - words I recall my Dad saying to us as children when it looked as if childhood squabbles might not be resolved by bedtime.  Let it go, today's anger belongs to today, but held onto it becomes bitterness which is pernicious and destructive.  I once did a funeral for someone who told me that there would be people attending with whom they had fallen out years ago and did not speak.  They had no idea why they had fallen out, just that they had, and maintaining the feud was important.  For crying out loud!  If ever there was a time to let bygones by bygones...  Life is too short for grudges; I've always felt that, but the last year has sharpened that opinion.  Let is go.  Be cross.  Be angry.  Shout.  Scream.  But sufficient unto the day is the good thereof, and also the evil thereof... move on.  Or, in the famous last words of famous film... "tomorrow is another day"

Be kind and compassionate, forgiving one another... it's not rocket science, but it makes all the difference in the world.  This is not the place to go into a theological treatise on forgiveness, just to note that it is a conscious act - we choose to forgive - and it is a process - forgiveness takes time to flourish.  In my experience, forgiveness is cathartic - it helps me to 'heal' and blossom.  In my observation, those who cannot, or will not, or do not forgive often become 'unhelahjty' and shrivel.

Hints of peace then in our attitudes and actions, as we choose how we repsond to the quarrels and hurts of everyday life.


God our Parent

How often you must watch our childish quarrels and weep

How disappointed you must be when we fight over the same old silly disagreements


"You took my...." 


"Did too"


"I won't speak to you again ever..."

"I don't care"

(Well I do, but I won't admit it...)

"We don't have anyhting to do with them..."

"Why not?"

"Just because..."


As the sun slips towards the horizon, in these shortest of winter days

Help us to let go of our anger




Displace our ire with your peace


Teach us gentleness



So that we, too, may be bringers of peace

Heralding the dawn of a new world



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