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A Bit of a Makeover... Kind of...

Today I've had a bit of a blog tidy, moved things around a bit, corrected some of the long-standing typos, updated some of the lists (though not all by any means) and added a new loosely 'worship and spirituality' section on the side bar.  This is something people might like or hate, might find useful or might confirm their worst fears that I'm an unreconcilable heretic, but it's there, because they are sites I find useful and others might too.

It seemed right to move the cancer links down a bit but not to take them off - people still land here seeking cancer info, and it still lurks in the shadows of my own life, sometimes sneaking up on me unawares!

I will get round to updating the blogroll soon - there are some defunct or all but defunct blogs still linked at the moment.

Now back to preparing for Epiphany Sunday when our wise men finally reach the end of the their journey around stairs, heaters and tables en route to their encounter with Jesus!


  • Looks good, Catriona. I just wish you could give the commenting facility a makeover. Sigh....

  • me too!

  • me too!

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