Hopefully he will be receiving lots of cake decorated with FiddesPayne dragees or some such as he celebrates his 65th birthday.
Various more erudite Baptists than I are posting their greetings, for example here, here and here.
It's my day off, I'm at home, my theology books are at church, so I can't fulfil the challenge to quote Paul verbatim, but here are paraphrases (inevitably with a bit of interpretation) of two things that have stuck with me...
On atonement:
How far down the chasm will the good shepherd go to rescue the lost sheep? As far as hell? Yes.
On church meetings:
Sometimes it is the minority voice that expresses the mind of Christ.
Paul's writing is not always easy, but it is always worth working with. From him I learned my understanding of trinitarian perichoresis as divine dance. From him I learned how to root complex doctrine in pastoral concern.
I have marvelled at Paul's ability to (in his words) slide a fag-paper between someone's view and his own in a way that affirms each. And I still cherish the day that Paul said, as he opted to leave a presentation I was doing saying "I've just realised, I heard this in Prague and it's very good".
Too often we save praise for eulogies... instead of speaking a 'good word' during someone's life time.
I'm not going to be one of the academic Baptist theologians now or ever, but I value Paul's work immensely and wish him a very Happy Birthday with lots of scrummy cake and a bottle of his favourite tipple!