Tomorrow is our harvest service, when we will be collecting non-perishable foodstuffs for Glasgow City Mission and money for operation Agri's 'Fit for Life' project in Nicaragua. It will be one of my 'marmite' services, lots of Spanish language stuff, lots of interaction, lots of multi-media, oh and a newish twist on an old hymn and one old one as it is traditionally sung , that should ensure Ioffend everbody equally! ;-)
There are numerous contemporary versions of this old harvest hymn, but I opted for this one written by friends in inner city Manchester:
Here in the modern city,
We have no fields to plough;
Our food is grown by others
And comes we know not how;
And yet we want to offer
Our harvest praise today,
For still in God’s creation
We have our part to play.
All good gifts around us
are sent from heaven above;
then thank the Lord,
O thank the Lord,
for all his love.
We place our trust in money,
And in the welfare state;
But these we know are human
So justice has to wait;
The harvest is unequal
And some, they have no bread.
O help us to keep working
‘til all your folk are fed.
So at this time of harvest
Our grateful thanks we sing;
The first fruits of our labours,
Our lives an offering.
Let’s plant the seed of justice
And work that it might grow,
Until God’s love eternal,
On earth its fruit shall grow.
From Crumbs of Hope © Clare McBeath & Tim Presswood
Now, just a small matter of sorting the props...