For the first time since poverty trends began to be monitored, the number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen in every developing region.
Give thanks and praise for the progress that is being made on ending poverty, an for everyone who is
involved in this effort (that includes you!).
Rejoicing tempered with reality I think... it is indeed excellent news that the number of people living in extreme poverty is reducing, but what about those in less extreme poverty? As the news reports the latest Eurozone crisis, and as some UK banks continue to need government bail outs, as more high street businesses go under, it is clear that all is not what it might be.
There has been plenty in the news about changes to benefits, concerns over defence spending, collapses of businesses in the retail sector and so on. Outside of the IF Campaign there has been almost no mention of the government agreeing to maintain its commitment to overseas aid. The UK government gets criticised a lot (and I suspect more up here than further south) but it/they have an impossible task to perform. If I understand correctly, the UK is the only nation still committed to giving 0.7% to overseas aid... so that is something we should be pleased about, whatever our political or personal views.
Thank you God
For all efforts to respond to the complex challenges of poverty and its consequences
Locally, nationally and internationally
Help us never to forget that whatever we do, or fail to do, for the least of these
We do, or fail to do, for you
My pledge
Today - one prayer
Total - £43.80, nine prayers, some thoughts and one e-petition signed