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Church Websites "1:01"

Today I have just been checking service times for the Baptist churches in Glasgow I plan to visit during my sabbatical.  I has been quite salutary - in some websites I had to drill down to the thrid or fourth level before I found this information.   Some churches don't have websites, which makes it increasingly difficult to find out this information, short of phoning them up - something I can do only because I have access to the BUS Directory - and frankly I don't intend to.  Some churches have very whizzy websites with so much stuff it is bewildering and hard to know where to look for what you want.

So, church websites 1:10

Tell people WHO you are WHERE you are and WHEN your services are... the rest can be added later.

It's not rocket science!  If I were new to the area and looking for a church I would probably give up looking pretty quickly if something as basic as 'Sunday Service Times' wasn't on the front page or at least clearly signposted from it at one level down.

So I checked our website - the information is all there, and most is easily findable... but we could make the service time information more prominent (i.e. part of the 'permanent' rather than 'current month' text).  If sabbaticalling is supposed to make me step back and reflect or to look at things afresh, then this week this has been the thing to keep in mind.

It's been odd basically trying to slow down with no actual objectives to achieve - and I'm not sure I've used the time the best I could have done - and to be honest I will happy next week to begin some more focussed sabbatical work, with a sermon to write and two church visits in prospect.

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