The last three months (two and a half) have been wonderful but the down side is that my already poor housekeeping standards slipped even further.
So now it's the 'back to school house clean frenzy' which has already seen me blitz my disgracefully cluttered bedroom, work through a veritable mountain of ironing, clean the cooker, the fridge and the freezer (well the last of these is still ongoing - takes a heck of a lot of hot water to melt that much ice! No auto defrost on this freezer) and sort through a cupboard that was chockablock with ancient storage containers, a large proprotion of which will be joinging the legion of the lost.
In between times I have made a pot of soup and some bread (bread machine variety) so at least there will be something tasty for tea.
Every time I blitz my house I tell myself I'll do better, will keep on top of it, won't leave it so long... and every time life gets in the way. But then no-one ever did say on their death-bed "I wish I'd devoted my life to housework"!!
All in all a good way to spend the weekend, and perversely I actually quite enjoy intense bursts of housework - it's the routine stuff that I dislike so much!