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Strangely Productive!

Today I am working from home because a number of items ordered online are due to be delivered (so far one has arrived, one is due between 13:47 and 14:47 and the other is 'on its way' whatever that means).

Already today I have editted and submitted a book review, written a contribution to a discussion paper, created the outline order of service for a week on Sunday and written over a thousand words of my conference paper.

This level of productivity is no longer normal - all too often I sit and stare at my computer screen and my brain freezes up at the prospect of committing any words to 'paper'.  I'm not sure why this is, though I am working quite hard to try to understand it, as it makes life quite tricky when 'words' are your sole deliverable!

Whatever has prompted this productivity, I am very grateful - and just hope it continues for the rest of the day so I can get a full draft of paper completed, not least as it's only a month now until I head far south to deliver it!

Perhaps it is fitting that the items I am waiting for are theology books and a NZ travel adapter?!

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