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One of the bits that didn't go into the sermon!

On Monday, sat in a first class carriage of a Virgin pendolino, enjoying free wifi (seems to work better on the west side of the train!) and a very tasty salad all for £20 less than a standard class ticket, I wrote this post on social media.  It could have made it into my sermon but it didn't, so now I'll put it here (with a few edits at the end) 


Three and a half years (or thereabouts) ago I promised myself never ever to wish time away because I was delayed in traffic or had a gap between trains. It was never again 'time to kill' but 'time to savour' it has been a liberating and transforming choice.

Various bits of news about various friends this weeks has reminded me of the fraglity of life and I have repledged myself to savour every moment.

So today I've enjoyed people watching at two railway stations (three more to go) drunk coffee and tea, am enjoying free wifi on my cheapy creepy first class ticket (hence the multiple changes) have eaten a lovely free butternut squash salad, some cripss and a banana and now a free pepsi to boot! Have chatted to shop staff, given some loose change to Help for Heroes, smiled at strangers and done a few puzzles!

The scenery is beautiful, the train is whizzing along at a pleasant flush-friendly cool temperature and life is good
Life in its fullness isn't life free of trouble, but it is life savoured... this will be my sermon theme on Sunday.

Special hugs to [friends initials] and anyone else who needs one today


Part of the 'meaning' I 'take' or 'make' from that dark time is the good and liberating things that arose in my attitudes and actions.


  • It has changed my perspective as well.

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