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Speed Bumps

As I sit at my desk this morning working my way through a substantial To Do list (making good progress and enjoying ticking things off the list!) there are council workers making speed bumps (which should surely be called slow bumps) outside in the street.  Given the very short stretch of road with 'give way' lines at either end, it's troubling that someone thinks we need speed bumps... and they are nicely located just a few feet from our side entrance, hey ho.

I can't help feeling there is some kind of metaphor there that I ought to be taking note of... the labour of creating things to ensure that others slow down a bit.  I am always struck by the idea that churches slow down for summer (on the grounds that midweek activities take a break) and the contrast that ministers can find themsleves with an increased workload (which was part of the logic last year for taking my sababtical leave during the summer months)

I am enthusiastic and excited about the things planned for this summer which I really hope will prove a good experience for all involved.  But there do need to be some metaphorical speed bumps, I suspect, to prevent me hurtling along without due care and attention.

Thankfully I can't think of a way to work speed bumps into my services, for which everyone will be hugely grateful!!


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