Today I've been working on the service for a week on Sunday! The reason being I'm off tomorrow evening for my 'real' holiday and wont' be back until the afternoon of a week on Saturday...
I am using the lectionary shunted by a week to fit in a run of weeks on Philippians before harvest in October. So it was intirguinig to me how well the reading fitted the context... or how easy it was to make connections to the context (R - 4 days and churchy stuff too).
Way back in the day when I was studying theology my tutor said it was me making the connections between things, not that they were intrinsically there. Whilst that's true, I can't help feeling there's a bit of Holy Spirit stuff going on too.
This evening I am leading for our monthly theological reflection group as it enters its fifth season... so at risk of a spoiler alert, there will be yiddish curses to get our brains warmed up!!
After that, it's PowerPoint prep from home tomorrow - and then I'm away to Finland for some R&R.