Recycling and re-using... seems pretty obvious to me but here we go anyway:
Today, keep track of every plastic item you use and throw away. The first step to making a difference is being mindful. In case you need any more convincing on the green front, watch and share this video to see why plastic really isn’t that fantastic.
Commit to dropping some plastic from your life – like trading that bottled water or takeaway coffee cup for a decent reusable version instead. Show us yours using #40acts!
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Repurpose it. Have a look at this handy blog, and then see if you can get a bit crafty and creative today.
I am that boring person who has taken her own bags to the supermarket for years and years, who sifts and sorts recycling and then hand delivers it because there is no kerbside collection for her housing complex. I am the person who has a 'keep cup' and a selection of robust hiking water bottles (does sometimes buy bottled water it has to be said, though the bottles are always reused or recycled afterwards)
Last week when I was 'down south' in the one part of the UK yet to start charging for carrier bags (and to be fair, where in my experience voluntary recycling/re-using progressed a lot faster than where I live now) I popped into a small supermarket and was shocked at the huge quantity of plastic bags waiting to be used just once... it is amazing how quickly one adapts. Sad that it needs legislation to make us do what we should do anyway.
Not going to be feeling smug today, as the amount of stuff I recycle every week is HUGE and maybe I, too, need to take a look at my habits...