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40 Acts - Day 38

Someone has a warped sense of humour - telling us to make ourselves more open, more vulnerable on a day where I really need my vicar head!  So, today as I collar up and head east to help conduct the funeral of a friend, I will be putting these challenges on hold...


Armour off, folks. Today is about vulnerability. Sometimes we need to let our guard down to allow others to do the same. Everyone has their own struggle, and sharing those stories can often open up a generous way for others to talk about theirs.



Be honest. Are you really 'fine, thanks'? Is everything 'good, yeah, really good!'? If it is, happy days! If not, don't just say the words. Think before you answer; try to give a really honest response where appropriate, and show others that you're genuinely interested in their answer too.



Journals at the ready! Jesus experienced and reflected a full range of human emotions; so perhaps spend some time reading these short passages and writing down the things that speak to you: John 11:17-37, Matthew 26:36-46.



Got a testimony? Write it down or share it with someone today. Alternatively, tell a story about yourself to someone who's going through similar things in their life – your experience might provide help or reassurance that everything will be OK.

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