Evidently it is volunteers week - an opportunity to celebrate those who give of their time, ability and energy for a whole range of organisations and causes. I have to confess until I saw a mention elsewhere, I was totally unaware of it.
Now I know, it gives me the opporutnity to say THANK YOU to the countless volunteers who make Church possible. In no particlular order...
- Sunday School leaders
- Creche workers
- Flower arrangers
- Tea makers
- Welcome stewards
- Hymnbook stewards
- PA riggers
- Service recorders
- Chair putters out and in
- Heating setters
- Rota arrangers
- Bible readers
- Prayer leaders
- Choir singers
- Piano (and other instrument) players
- Noticeboard fillers (and clearers)
- Bookings takers
- Secretary
- Treasurer (acting or otherwise!)
- Finance recorders
- Banking facilitators
- Gift Aid claimers
- Trustee managers
- Development project steerers
- Funding raisers
- Offering counters
- Coffee buyers
- Notice printers
- Magazine editors and contributors
- Event planners
- Pastoral carers
- Outing planners
- Lift givers
- Small group facilitators
- Banner hangers
- Ice cube freezers
- Communion setters up
- Candle buyers
- Evening service leaders
- Flower tub gardeners
- Litter pickers
- Steps sweepers
- Hymn book repairers
- Minute takers
- Sandwich makers
- And whoever else I have inevitably forgotten along the way
If I missed you and you are reading this - I apologise.
Whoever you are, and whatever you do THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!