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Sewing Community...

So that's it!  Seven weeks of summer services done and dusted.  Today, after a reflection on the story of Lydia, we made the beginnings of a "community quilt"... each person was invited to write their name, or to draw themself if they couldn't write/preferred to draw, on a square of fabric, and then add it to the layout on the table.

After the service no less than three people came to me and offered to sew it up - I think we now have two eager quilt makers and an offer of assistance if needed.  Still some names to add, those who were away and a few no longer able to get along on a Sunday.  It will, I am sure, be a wonderful wall hanging in due course.

If grace is, at least in part, the unexpected good in tough situations, then this, for us, was to some degree, that.

Today I am very glad to part of this diverse group of people trying to follow Jesus in a confused and bruised world.

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