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#Advent Challenge Day 10

It is no secret that I am a clutter-monkey, my office/vestry gives 'lived in' a whole new meaning!  But in the public spaces of church, I am pretty good, putting things back where I found them and even clearing away others' rubbish.  I'm afraid washing someone's car in this weather isn't going to happen, and i did a litter pick in lent so feel I've done that challenge... so I opted for the tidying up one... but the vestry won't be tidied today, way too much happening!!


  Dear Catriona

Whether it’s in the home, in the workplace, or on the street, how we act and behave can impact those around us. Keeping things clean and tidy for people is just one simple way of making things easier for others.

We’re all different (thankfully!) and the Bible encourages us to think about how we can live in harmony with one another.

Your options today:


Spend some time picking up litter
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Make an extra effort to tidy up after yourself
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Offer to wash someone’s car
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A view from the Bible

"Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody."

Romans 12.18

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