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#Advent Challenge Day 11

This one makes me chuckle... not least as each day you are invited to share your choice on social media... I'm choosing to be a few hours gadget free... which will mean staying off social media and blogs and stuff...

Dinner (if not breakfast) is always tech free in my house, and I walk everywhere, with or without others!

Dear Catriona

We live in a world where we are surrounded by technology. Whether it’s a phone, tablet, TV or computer, it doesn’t take much for the busy-ness of the world to impact our lives.

For some, switching off from these devices just doesn’t happen, and while some of it can be good, it’s so easy to fill our minds with unnecessary clutter. In the Bible, we’re reminded to think about what we feed our minds and the impact that can have.

How will you switch off today?


Try to have a gadget detox for a few hours today
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Have a tech-free dinner around the table with family
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Go for a walk with friends
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