The interweb reminded me that Volunteers Week starts today, and that it lasts for twelve days... guessing whoever thought it up wasn't to hot on arithmetic!
On the basis that churches rely so heavily on volunteers I'd like to say a thank you to everyone who...
- is on a rota
- looks after a rota
- gets out chairs
- puts away chairs
- buys refreshments
- makes refreshments
- serves refreshments
- washes up
- picks up litter
- empties bins
- buys cleaning products
- orders bin sacks
- manages bookings
- arranges flowers
- distributes flowers
- prints service sheets
- contributes to the magazine
- edits the magazine
- runs the creche
- runs the Sunday School
- plays a musical instrument
- sings in the cjoir
- read the 'lessons'
- leads the intercessions
- sets up for communion
- serves communion
- clears up after communion
- looks after the PA
- looks after the website
- Looks after recording of services
- keeps the books
- counts the offerings
- banks the money
- pays the bills
- looks after PAYE, NI etc.
- visits other people
- organises outings
- serves as a Charity Trustee
- takes notes in meetings
- reclaims Gift Aid
- looks after the noticeboards
- runs midweek groups
- gives lifts
- leads evening services
- hosts BBQs or meals
- works on the redvelopment project
- who does everything I've managed to forget in this list
- - and anyone who tries to keep me in line :-)
Bascially, without volunteers churches are toast!