The is a #CelticAdvent calendar here if you would find it interesting or helpful - it's both light-hearted and liturgically sesnitive.
There are now oodles of opportunities to do a #ReverseAdventCalendar where you collect an item a day, package it into a hamper and deliver it to the cause of your choice in time for Christmas delivery. Check your favourite search engine for details of local projects. It's good to start now, as most charities are closed on Christmas Eve - and you really want your gift to reach its recipient by then! Last year the kitties did one for Cats Protection.
If you donate to food banks, how about you pop in a chocolate Advent calendar, some chocolate coins or the odd selection box in the next couple of weeks, which will bring a smile to someone who wouldn't otherwise have such a treat. If you want to be more 'holy', then the Meaningful Chocolate People have a real advent calendar
Whatever you do, or don't do, may your advent bring you hope, love, joy and peace.