Churches are possibly the oldest volunaray organisations. Nowadays, most are registered as charities, usually with a staff of one. Without volunteers, churches could not function at all.
So today here is a quick shout out to those who...
- Serve as Charity Trustees
- Serve on committees
- Lead/facilitate children's and youth work
- Visit, phone, and generally keep an eye on, others
- Organise rotas
- Arrange flowers
- Prepare Communion
- Set up or clear up the worship space
- Steward
- Read the Bible
- Lead intercessory prayer
- Participate in Bible Study
- Sing in the choir
- Play musical instruments
- Produce, print and fold service sheets
- Edit the church magazine
- Update the website
- Count and bank the offering, week by week
- Look after the finances
- Look after the administration
- Contribute to the church magazine
- Do all the things I've missed, forgotten or don't know about
That's quite some list - and for each person who gives their time, talent and commitment, I am very grateful