Holy Week is always precious to me - and always exhausting, because it typically has anything up to half a dozen extra services/acts of worship to be offered.
I have been very blessed this year to work with two people who are skilled liturgists and leaders as we've created reflections and services to deliver 'on line'.
This morning I joined our Zoom Coffee Club for our weekly catch-up. It was great to see everyone, to hear each other's voices and connect across the miles.
This afternoon I am catching up on some Admin and resisting starting work on reflections beyond tomorrow - in order to 'feel' Holy Week I can't write it ahead of time. Today I've already listened to things online for Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and whilst I understand why they are there now, I kind of wish I hadn't listened to them - it's disrupted the flow. So I am glad that this evening I can realign myself with Holy Week, slow down again and get into the 'knowing unknowing' once again.