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All Good Gifts Around Us...

Cheshire is a vey rural county - small towns and villages (except in those parts of the county that used to be Lancashire!) so a 'traditional' harvest thanksgiving still has a place, espeically in Victorian buildings.  Mostly non-preishable good to be given to the food bank or Salvation Army, and also an envelope collection for Operation Agri, who are the 'charity of the month' for this church.

Yesterday afternoon I helped to decorate the church. I love the handmade signage - and apparently there may be a handmade giant sunflower to arrive this morning.

Today is my last Sunday of 'observing' before I preach my way through October with some 'images of God'.  Just between us, it has been good to have a few weeks off from leading worship - the last two or three years have been decidedly crazy one way and another.

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