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Candles and Celtic Knots

Yesterday I completed my first four-week run of services at Railway Town Baptist Church.  We have been exploring images of God - shepherd, mother (human, hen, eagle, bear) and potter - and I wanted to end with 'community'... or, as it's more usually referred to, 'trinity'.

I used some Celtic knots and designs as part of our way in...things that have no beginning or end, things that are mysterious and beautiful, things that seem impossible and yet...

A little bit of Genesis 1, and the God who is simultaneously singular and plural, and a wondering that maybe the ancients thought 'if God made us like God, then God must be, in some way we can't quite fathom, like us, a community...'  Heresy?  Maybe, but the Trinity is about Community, at least in some sense

We then used some bits of Acts 2 and Acts 4 to think about the earliest records of church communities, characterised by hospitality and generosity in sharing, and wondered what that might say about ministry and mission for us.

I've enjoyed leading this series, been delighted with the willingness of people to engage in some of my more interactive ideas, and their attentive listening to my sermons/reflections.  Apart from one more preach, for Church Anniversary of 5th November, that's me done preaching until Advent... time to shift my focus to vision/strategy for a few weeks.

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