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Groundhogs and Other Notable Dates...

Yesterday, 1st February, was St Brigid's Day and also Imbolc, the pre-Christian festival to mark the start of spring in these islands.  Snowdrops (photo take in Glasgow two years ago) tiny, fragile, yet resistant herald the lengthening days (Lent is just around the corner) and bring a smile to those who see them.  There are many to be found near where I live, and I love their gentle presence.

Today, 2nd February, is Groundhog Day, Candlemas, and The Feast of the Presentation.  It is a cold, bright morning here, so any groundhogs would definitely find a shadow... and I have to admit my cosy bed was hard to leave!  Candlemas, the day when a year's supply of church candles would be blessed.  The Presentation, a strange ritual of cleansing after childbirth that continued in some parts of the church right until the mid twentieth century.  And a celebration of the faithfulness of old people, Simeon and Anna.

Today, 3rd February is the anniversary of my cancer surgery, and a reminder of how blessed I am to have benefited from world class healthcare free at the point of delivery.  Still a NED, having beaten a lot of odds, and thriving rather than surviving, I am, indeed very blessed.

Life is full of good things, and festivals official or otherwise, it is good to celebrate.

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