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Zoom Lent Course...

I'm looking forward to a five-week Zoom Lent Course using the 'York Course' material from 2022.  I like that's quite 'open' theologically and that it invites authenticity and honesty from participants.  What's more of a challenge is that it's CD based (lots of listening to recordings) and all the voices sound remarkably educated and erudite.  It will be an interesting, and gently challenging, experiment, and I am thrilled that around ten people hope to be part of it - that's as big a group as I'd ever want in a Zoom conversational gathering.

Here's the outline from the blurby stuff... (I still need to work on the unquestioned male language for God!)

SESSION 1: The best picture of God
God’s favour is not dependent on anything we are or anything we do. His acceptance is unconditional. If we want to know what God ‘looks like’, we simply need to look at one another.

SESSION 2: Neither Jew nor Gentile
In Christ, God is telling us the most important thing about himself: he leaves no-one out. Being willing to include everybody is the only rule for those who want to be with Jesus. God is love and, in Christ, humanity is one.

SESSION 3: Neither male nor female
The most profound human difference is that created by our gendered bodies. But even this important difference is superficial compared to the deepest and truest identity of each one of us; through Christ we see that we are all children of God; all heirs to the kingdom of heaven.

SESSION 4: Neither slave nor free
Our world is grossly, torturously unequal, and before Christ came, no-one expected or looked for anything different. Jesus scandalized those around him by acting as though every human being mattered. We are to follow him to the margins.

SESSION 5: What is a Christian?
Jesus did not come to found a religion: he came to give people life. When he wanted his followers to understand his identity and purpose, he didn’t give them a theory or explain an idea, he shared a meal with them.

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