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First Funeral Here...

So today was the first funeral I have done since I moved here... The first time at a crematorium where there's an assumption that you'll control the Wesley system yourself (with a screen so tiny that I couldn't read what it said, let alone control it; thankfully crematorium staff were quite happy to do so remotely)... The first one where doves were released (into driving rain and a howling gale, poor little things)... 

It was, as always, interesting to see the 'we don't have any local customs' customs...

But above all, it was, as it always is, a huge privilege to be trusted by a family to help them say farewell to a loved one.   There was a blend of sobriety and... well I was going to say hilarity, but whilst that might rhyme, it isn't the right word... humorous moments.  There was some good singing - and a lot of people who stood in silence during the hymns.  There was scripture and story, prayers and blessings.

And now, even though it's too wet and windy to get out for a liturgical, decompression walk, I have jeans on, tea poured and biscuits to munch...


RIP DSL, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.


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