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Homelessness Sunday

Yesterday one of our members led us in a service for Homelessness Sunday.  As part of this, we were invited to think about the foods we enjoy and to add our thanksgiving prayers for them to a table set in front of the Communion Table.  The suggestions were delightful - from 'sweet treats to cheer us up' to 'runny fried eggs with chips for dipping'.  Perhaps it was the time of year that influenced our choices of comfort food, but it was good to realise how very blessed we are.

We were told about street homelessness data and reminded how the local authority in our area responds to those in need.  And we shared communion, our beautifully prepared table immediately behind our visual prayer. 

I rather like to think that Jesus would have enjoyed egg and chips washed down with a mug of tea in a soup kitchen.  And I am reminded of this painting by Iain Campbell called 'Our Last Supper' whose 'models' are homeless and vulnerably housed men supported by Glasgow City Mission...

our last supper.jpg

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