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- Page 5

  • On Being Misquoted!

    I'm not sure if this is vaguely a sign of having achieved some level of something or other, but I was amused today to find myself being misquoted in an essay a URC minister had written.  I can see how the misquote arose, but it amused me... I had quoted a 'Sunday School hymn' which the author assumed I learned as a child, erm no.  Although it would be plausible - I was 9 or 10 when the hymn was published - I did not learn it until my early twenties when I was a Sunday School teacher.  The author could not have known this.

    I kind of feel I have somehow arrived... but as what I don't know!!

    Amusing, especially in the light of some of what we considered on Sunday.

  • Last of My Easter Catch-up Days!

    Today is the last of my catching up days off from Easter... it is wet having rained all night and now the sun is engaged in a tussle with some VERY black clouds outside my house (the clouds seem to winning just now). So glad I made yesterday the fun day and today is the catch-up the housework day.

    Later on I'll be off to the recycling centre - seem to go there every couple of weeks with four bins full of stuff... what did we do before recycling?  And how much of this packaging is REALLY necessary? Scary.

    Then it's back to normal - well for a week or two anyway.

  • Day Off Treat...

    Italian ice-cream... the great British passion... When I was growing up in Northampton it was Gallone's, who ran a fleet of ice-cream vans to whcih we childrne were drawn like moths to part with our pocket money in exchange for a 3p cone or a 5p 99 or, for those who were rich or rash, a tub, on oyster or a double-nugget wafer...  I was the 3p cone kind!

    Fast forward four decades and a new ice-cream parlour has opened up round the corner from the Gathering Place.  I went with a friend a week or two back and we could not get in, it was packed out.  I had a hunch that this morning it'd be quiet - it was.  So I bought the biggest, most expensive ice-cream I've ever bought (one of the cheaper ones they sell!) at £6.75...


    I had to smile to myself, as when I ordered it the girl behind the counter had to get the menu to find out what was in it and what it was meant to look like!

    It was VERY yummy but at that price not a treat I'll be repeating in a hurry!

  • Woman with Two Hats!

    Today I wound up both leading worship and singing alto for a couple of choir items ... not sure it was such a good idea as I kept moving from place to place.

    Chilli chocolate fish went down well though!

    I had a good morning.  Hope other people found it helpful/useful/enjoyable.

  • Blogging Light

    Not been much to write about the last few days - nothing has tickled my funny bone; nothing has provoked my ire; nothing has made me go 'hmmm'; nothing has leaped out as something I wanted to share.  So no much blogging happening.

    Kind of fitting as we reach Low Sunday, the valley after last week's mountain top. 

    It's been a quieter week, for which I've been grateful, and now it's just a few weeks til the May/June madness begins, so I'm happy to take the pace down a bit.

    Chillie chocolate is making an appearance in today's service... don't suppose that's the case in too many churches!