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- Page 8

  • First "In Person" lead of "Blended" Worship

    This morning, I was inside a church building for the first time since February, and leading 'in person' worship for the first time since 15 March 2020.  The University of Glasgow Chapel , morning prayer, 8:45 Monday to Friday, in a blended format.

    In the chapel were four other people, spread so far apart that there was a minimum of 5m between any two of them.  Online about half a dozen others on Zoom.

    My overriding feeling was of strangeness... no joy or delight at being in a building, and also no fear or anxiety, it was just very odd.

    Where should I look?  At the webcam, on a laptop on a table set just too low?  At the person to my left, or my right, or in the top tier seating or the far away pew?  How did it become meaningful for those taking part? Should I close my eyes to pray (I always pray  extempore in the chapel) or not? And if yes or if no, then what?

    It was a very valuable experience, illustrating some of the challenges of blended models, much to ponder and learn from.


  • The Tenth Blessing

    Today we received a paper heart, and were invited to write a message and send it to someone else.  I have someone in mind who  think may appreciate this message.

    Today I am very grateful for friends who encourage me with kind words and precious insights.

  • A Poem, A Picture and A Prayer - Day 8

    Today's poem is The Kingdom by R S Thomas, which is easy enough to find online, for example here

    The photo is a building bearing the inscription.The Glasgow Eye Infirmary' - a hospital where people would seek the restoration of vision.  Nowadays the building houses specialist sexual health services, a range of routine and crisis support for the people of this city.

    Thomas's poem employs the image of the Kingdom as a hospital, where true healing is found, and a single green leaf as symbol of faith.

    The prayer:

    God whose governance defies human understanding,

    As we gaze into the mirrors of our own hearts and mind

    Help us to glimpse again the vision

    The vision of healing, wholeness, hope and harmony...

    And renew our faith, so that it is as simple as a single green leaf


  • The Ninth Blessing

    A small sticker, with a silhouette nativity scene and the words 'Christmas Blessings'

    At the heart of Christmas is the story of a baby born in a barn/outhouse/stable/cave in a time of oppression and hardship, yet this was the greatest gift of love, when LOVE entered creation to transform it from within.  What better blessing could there be.

    Unsurprisingly, I found another candle on which to stick my sticker - and I am enjoying its gentle warmth and flickering glow as I type.

    I wonder what others will do with theirs?

  • A Poem, A Picture and A Prayer - Day 7

    Today's poem isn't the one I originally planned - I made a late change both to it, and to the accompanying photo; fortunately the prayer still seems to fit!

    The poem is 'Adjustments' by R S Thomas, the first of three successive poems I have chosen by this Welsh writer.  Unfortunately, I can't find it online, but it is alluded to in this which uses the poem 'Absence' which I originally chose but, today, felt wasn't quite right.


    Here is the prayer...

    God who is present, even when it seems you are absent,

    Hidden from sight, and sound and sense...

    Yet, mysteriously, closer than our breathing.

    When concepts fail, and words melt away

    Help us to wait patiently

    Trusting that, though we cannot discern it,

    You  are with us always
