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- Page 7

  • The Twelfth Blessing

    Today's gift is a single 'serving' of bath/shower gel and an invitation to take some time for self-care.

    Sometimes, if we are honest (or if I am honest anyway) care for self is squeezed out by good, maybe even necessary, busyness.  Certainly many of my clergy colleagues are currently running on fumes because they are working crazy hours, and there is a tendency to dismiss that as 'just Advent'.

    I am reminded that God invented rest, not because it's nice (though it is) but because it's necessary.

    I have a lot to do today, as will anyone reading this, but I will take time - make time maybe - to be, to rest, to be refreshed... and if not a long bath/shower, then at least something that is explicitly self-care.

  • A Poem, A Picture and A Prayer - Day 10

    Today's poem is Annunciation by the Scottish poet Edwin Muir.  This well-loved poem is widely available, e.g. here

    The painting by Fra Angelico is also very well known, and seems to connect quite well with the images evoked by the poem.

    Here's the prayer...

    God whose Messenger met Mary,

    As we recall this familiar, mysterious, unnerving encounter,

    An extraordinary intervention into an ordinary day,

    So the artist and the poet invite us to gaze deep into the eyes

    Of those you send to us - angels in disguise perhaps -

    And then to make our own response...

    Help us have the courage to say, 'yes'


  • Christmas Jumper Day

    (No, I didn't know it was a 'thing' either)

    Thought I had better oblige.

    It is a fundraiser for the charity Save the Children, so I made a small donation.

    Looking forward to our own Christmas Jumper day(s) on Zoom!

  • The Eleventh Blessing

    A cuddle in a cup - well, for one person per household anyway!  Hopefully no significant squabbles will arise over who gets this treat.

    As 'Love' week draws towards its close, a little bit of self-love and self-care seems a good thing.

    And this is also Fairtrade, so we can feel good about ourselves as we enjoy this treat!!

  • A Poem, A Picture and a Prayer - Day 9

    Today's poem is The God by R S Thomas - unfortunately I can't seem to locate it online.

    It speaks of the God of poets, musicians, artists, scientists and theologians... and the God who is.

    It is a delightful and thoughtful poem, that draws the reader/hearer to reflect on their own images and understandings of the divine, and their inevitable partiality.

    The prayer...

    God of poets and musicians and artists,

    God of scientists and theologians -

    God who delights in diversity

    Who restores what is dried up and decayed,

    Help us to delight in who we are

    And to be reassured that you delight in our flourishing
