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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 101

  • Prayers for Mothering Sunday (1)

    These prayers of mine are not new, but they remain relevant, and will soon be published.


    Mothering God

    Mothering God, hold in the safe embrace of your love

    Those who mourn

    Those who ache with longing

    Those whose hearts are pierced as by a sword


    Mothering God, like a small child learning to walk, take by the hand

    Those who attempt new things

    Those who are uncertain or unsure

    Those who wobble and weave


    Mothering God, like a dancing partner, spin with delight

    Those who rejoice in success

    Those whose dreams have found fulfilment

    Those who dream the dreams of your Kingdom


    Mothering God, grant they all may find themselves

    Comfortably resting

    Like a weaned child

    On the parent's knee.



  • Hymns of Comfort in Troubled Times...

    A few hymns I have been known to sing in the night...

    It is well


    Blessed be the Tie that Binds

    Nada te Turbe (Let nothing disturb you)


  • The Fifth Day

    Today's image is one from a long time ago, but none the less it's a good one.

    Hope springs eternal, so the saying goes - and as I look around, I certainly see signs of hope.

    Last night I ame across this rather amazing little video of people self-isolation in Edinburgh... 'Sunshne on Leith' is one of my favourite 'weepy' songs...

    sunshine on leith

    And one of our own folk wrote this rather marvellous poem called 'Broadband Church'

    Today I am really grateful for the folk who look after communications for our church.

    Now, back to today's 'to do' list!!

  • The Fourth Day

    This afternoon I had the luxury of spending time sat in the back of a car, driving through glorious countryside, en route to Loch Lomond where I conducted a minimalist wedding ceremony for a couple whose wedding had been brought forward, twice, as a result of recent events.

    I was a beautiful setting, and the people passing, at a distance, on the public footpath created a great 'cloud of witnesses' who cheered as the couple sealed their marriage with a kiss (they do, after all already live in the same house...)

    It was a very precious few minutes, full of love and laughter, tenderness and tenacity.  May God bless you M & J - I look forward to seeing the photo with me standing 2m distant!!

    M and J.jpg

  • Key Workers...

    HM Government has now provided a defintion of Key Workers which includes the following paragraph (emphasis mine):

    "This includes those essential to the running of the justice system, religious staff, charities and workers delivering key frontline services, those responsible for the management of the deceased, and journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting."

    This seems to mean that I am now defined as a 'Key Worker'.

    It means the children of rabbis, imams, priests, ministers and so on may well remain in school (at least in some places).

    I think most of my readers are pray-ers and if you are, please pray for us as we seek to combine common-sense, compassion and, when needed, courage.  If you don't do praying then thoughts, vibes and well wishes are all equally appreciated.