My next sermon series is aimed at helping people to appreciate something of the diversity of the four gospels and is provisionally titled 'Portraits of Jesus.' The good challenge, for me anyway, is deciding what in one sermon each might be - the theme to choose from each gospel - and which books might help me here.
Some vague ideas floating around are...
Matthew's Portrait - 'The New Moses' - fulfilment
Luke's Portrait - 'The Friend of "Sinners" ' - inclusion
John's Portrait - 'The Living Word' - incarnation - kind of logos made simple (I thought about 'Revealer' and the delightful 'Johannine Pimpernel' but am not sure about communicating them!)
Mark is proving more tricky - 'The Secret Messiah' - the frequent 'don't tell anyone yet,' Messianic Secret theme but not easy to work with; the absence of birth/childhood AND post resurrection material is obviously significant but what 'portrait' does it match? I've just ordered 'Binding the Strong Man' and 'Through Mark's Eyes' from Amazon but whether they will help (or get read in time) is another matter.
Any clever folk out there got any ideas or books to point me at?