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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 1071

  • Pentecost Part I

    Well it stayed dry - until literally the moment I pulled on to my drive at about 5:30 when it began to drizzle and then to rain.  Since then I have unpacked, cleaned and put away the things from the car, counted the money from the stalls, checked the stock for returning to the shops and finally plonked myself by the PC before I crawl to bed after the second of three insanely busy days!

    It went well, I have to say, even if less people came than last year (but it was a lot cooler and this time coincided with the Bank Holiday).  I'd guess we had about 100 guests and about 25 stallholders/volunteers.  We managed to erect a dozen or so tents/gazebos and get them all laid out looking superb by 1p.m. (we began at 9 a.m.) and people started to arrive before the designated 1:30 start.  Apparently the local MP came but he obviously did not want to get his face painted!  However, he did spend money at the Fairtrade stall and chat to a few folk.

    It was a good day.  People were genuinely touched that we weren't charging for most activities and certainly a lot of young families came along and stayed all afternoon.  We sold about £250 worth of Fairtrade stuff and took about £30 on the Christian tat stall, so people certainly spent some money.

    My slight disappointment, but not surprise, was the absence of support from the parish church.  The vicar from St Smells & Bells (which closes soon, and he moves to another parish) came and helped us pitch tents and returned with his grandson for a bit in the afternon, but from 'The Parish' only the vicar came along briefly and he spent most of his time talking to some from the County Council.  I feel that they missed out on a great opportunity and that what is now starting to happen is that the Baptist and Methodist churches are working together almost despite them.

    It is looking likely that tomorrow's service will be at the Methodist church (Plan C) as the rain has set in and no one thinks the 'Great Hall' is sufficiently 'great' to hold us!

    The good news - I think - is that the Methodists are already talking about next year...

  • Succoth at Shavuot (so there!)

    Pentecost roughly coincides with Shavuot, and I could spend time reflecting on the giving of Torah and the giving of Spirit, but I won't.  We are having a very Succothy Pentecost in so far as it will involve lots of tents/booths (gazebos); this kind of amuses me, but I am easily amused these days, something to do with disappearing under an unfinished essay and juggling too many balls...

    So, Saturday, Community Fun Day called a Pentecost Party.  Lots of little tents on the green outside the local 'Manor House' housing lots of things to look at, try or buy.  Face painting and lots of cutting and sticking for children; Christian tat and Fairtrade gifts; bobbin lace, local history photos, flower arranging and card making for adults.  Money off a cuppa in the tearooms and a good time to be had by all.

    Sunday, open air service - all three traditions together come rain or shine, with our little tents in case of need, and the option of the 'great hall' (which isn't very) if it pours.  Two worship bands and a pianist, a drama group; dangly skeletons, streamers, ballons and not-to-be-lit tealights presented in red or gold party bags... oh, and four ministers, a couple of lay readers and a partridge in a pear tree (OK, I made up the last bit)

    Monday... sleep?  Alas not, I still have a large chunk of essay to write from scratch.  Still, the forecast is pretty grim so maybe sitting tapping away at my PC is relatively attractive.  It all seemed such a good idea back in September...!

    Enjoy your Pentecost celebrations, whatever you are up to.

  • Am I Missing Something Here?

    In the last few weeks the saga of the Spring Harvest, UCCF and Keswick 'Word Alive' week has been unfolding in the Baptist Times.  Now it seems lawyers are involved.  I realise I'm in danger of becoming a Biblicist Baptist, but doesn't the Bible say something about avoiding lawyers and courts...?

    Perhaps a little less falling out over Steve Chalke (and others') views and a little more Christ-likeness would be helpful?

    Or am I just missing the whole point?

  • Tempted by bad theology...

    I have just heard the long range weather forecast which says it is going to be very cold and very wet on Sunday.  We are due to be holding a community open air Pentecost Service so I'd prefer it dry!

    Do I

    1. assume the weather forecasters will be wrong
    2. abandon any semblance of decent theology and pray for a dry day
    3. allow the sceptics to say 'see, we should have opted for an indoor service'
    4. make arrangments for a larger indoor alternative (the one we've been offered may not be large enough)
    5. Conclude that God/Satan is/are testing me
    6. do nothing

    Answers on a helium balloon to the usual address

  • Fit4Life - or Just Parasites?!

    Not much blogging this week - I am desperately trying to get my essay written.  I'd like it done by tomorrow, which won't happen, it is physcially impossible with everything else that's happening but I have to get it to my supervisors early next week...

    Anyway, here's the question - is there any Baptist theology in the Church Health field?  Or are we just parasites who feed on the work of other denominations?  Given we're happy to nick their liturgies, songs, etc, it would hardly be novel.  Whether or how it matters in another issue.

    I have two things....

    Baptist Union of Great Britain Journeying Through Conflcit

    Baptist Union of Victoria Fit4Life Manual, which as far as I can ascertain in Britain/England is available/endorsed only in East Midlands Baptist Association of BUGB.  And I can't find any mention of it on the BUV website.

    My main concern is, am I missing something blatantly obvious?  Googling gets me nowhere.

    I suppose that someone else's PhD can be why Baptists don't seem to do much theolgocial writing and if they think it matters that we pinch things from traditions with very different ecclesiologies etc.  In the meantime, I will beaver away in my little corner juggling generic and specific questions.

    Any ideas please...