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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 1082

  • Off to "Teletubby Land"

    Yesterday I spent the day with the 4+ department at the local primary school where I am one of the Community Governors.  I seem to have fallen into this role because the 4+ Governor was ill and I was asked to stand in at a meeting - six months later and I am 'it.'  The 4+ team have a tough task, not least because many of their colleagues, even, it seems, in what used to be called the infants (nowadays Keystage 1) refer to their area as 'Teletubby land.'  Sixty little people with some aged just turned 4 in September and others almost 6 by the time the school year ends is not my idea of an easy life.

    I have had to learn a whole new langauge very rapidly - phonemes, graphemes and synthetic phonics.  To be honest I think the terms are used rather loosely, and I'm glad I'm not trying to explain to a child of 5 what I mean by a 'phoneme frame' (for the inititiated, a grid where you write one sound per box to build up a word e.g. c-a-t, sc-r-a-p).  It is all a fancy name for the way I learned to read in the late 60's and early 70's, just that flashcards have given way whiteboards.  Already the range of abiltiies is very evident, reflecting the enormous difference of 25% life experience between the eldest and youngest children, whether they have siblings, their place among siblings and their socio-economic background.  From some who struggle to sit down and be quiet or are just getting to grips with their letters to others who can readily read and construct five letter words, it is a challenge and a half.

    One more amusing task was carrying out an informal assessment of the risks posed by the radiators in the class rooms - in a meeting discussing health and safety it emerged that a realtively high number of accidents occurred from chidren falling against radiators and gashing themselves.  Never before have I had to write in a risk assessment that I was concerned about a play house called 'dino den' with no back to it set right by a radiator!  It all looked a bit preposterous when I listed my qualifiactions at the end, but it was fun to do some,thing that connected to my past life.  For the record, I concluded that the risks were generally tolerable, but that by some simple rearrangments of furniture, they could be reduced at no expense to the school.

    It was good to work a bit at building a stronger link with the school, as it is actually very hard to get in to do assemblies (not that I would choose that, not my thing) or RE inputs (which I don't mind at all).  Interestingly, I discovered that our hiring of their premises puts them in line for extra funding for site work, so in an obscure way we already benefit them.

    I enjoyed me visit to Tellytubby Land - but am glad to be back in the La La Land of my everyday life.

  • Dratted Technology - and Local Apathy

    That's how I'd describe today's Lent study!  The laptop I borrowed was decidely sick and it didn't help that its owner had the sound on mute so that when I tried to launch a CD from PowerPoint no sound came out through the speakers!  Then the DVD clip for some reason did not project (appeared on the laptop screen but on the projection just a back background) - this must be the laptop as the projector worked fine last time I tried to do this.  Well, it mucked up my slot well and truly, so I get the prize for worst session this year.  Fortunately I knew the material well enough to speak to it.

    The final exercise, after thinking about Helen Prejean's work, was to identify five issues of concern for prayer along with something practical that could be done.  Here I entered that minister twilight zone of thinking 'I inhabit another universe to these folk.'  The issues of concern were - with one exception in my view - valid, but the repsonses so very disappointing.  One group said 'the war in Iraq but there's nothing we can do only pray' - what about lobbying MPs, the 'stop the war coalition' etc, etc.  Another group said 'the shortage of wardens in sheltered housing but we can't do anything about that' - what about being a voice for the voiceless, campaigning local government etc etc.  The one I didn't rate was 'all these laws and especially PC nonsense.'  The only really constructive one came from my Anglican colleague who said we ought to be petitioning local and national government to increase taxes by a penny or to in order to have a budget to provide services - now that would be radical.

    All in all, I came away feeling people had not got any real grasp on the connection between faith and life or 'prayer as caring' as the study called it.  It is troubling how our faith is so perosnal and privatised, about tickets to heaven and not getting into anything political or grubby.  Of course we should pray about these issues but we should also be ready to hear God saying that we, too, are part of the answer.

    Here endeth the rant -and I'd better start saving for a laptop of my own!

  • Prayer Diaries

    This week, finally, the church prayer diary was reissued - it's only taken 6 months since we 'approved it.'  I don't really care for the wording at the start - it is pious twaddle in my view... 'pray for these people/organisations on the date specified and on other occasions as the Holy Spirit leads.'  It sounds ever so holy but what does it really mean?  Pray when you remember I guess.  Still, it is overall an improvement as we do now pray for the local community - schools, businesses and so on - as part of our cycle of prayer.

    It got me thinking about the huge pile of prayer diaries that occupy my prayer time - BUGB, BMS, TLM, NBC, SU, Tearfund... Did I miss any?  Hope not!  They vary wildy in their style and, well to be frank, usefulness.  I am often asked to pray for so-and-so on the XYZGP&F committee, not that I know what this committee does, or the role of so-and-so within it, but pray for them anyway.  I get asked to pray for Anytown Bapist Church in the Somewhere-or-Other Association but without knowing if this church is small or large, inward or outward looking, let alone its needs (nice idea to pray for 365 Baptist churches, but not very helpful just to have their names and need my direcotry to find out anything about them at all).  I get asked to pray for You-know who and their family working You-know-where.  The least bad diaries offer a bit of information about the situation and identify some specifics for prayer but on the whole it is hard to pray more than 'God bless you, every one.'

    So what should I do?  Abandon the diaries all together?  No, they act as a good reminder to pray for these organisations/people.  I guess I use them as creatively as I can, not always praying exactly as guided and sometimes praying as much for wisdom in my reading as for the requested topic.

    Does anyone have any good advice in this area or have you just abandoned the diaries as a disaster? 

  • Lent - William Wilberforce & Helen Prejean

    This week I get to lead two Lent meetings.  Tuesday lunch time we conclude Can We Build a Better World? the series based on the story of William Wilberforce.  Wednesday evening is the final part of our ecumenical one using Life Source exploring prayer; this week 'prayer as caring' which seems to me to cover both intercessory prayer and life as prayer, and suggests a clip from the film Dead Man Walking.  I tracked down the DVD via Ebay, and then via Amazon the book and its more recent follow up Death of Innocents.  Although the books are very informative they get a bit repetitive, so you need to be determined to keep going, especially if as I've done you try to read them in about three days.  You also need a strong stomache to deal with some of the graphic descriptions, so be warned.

    What emerges clearly is the link between poverty,edcuation and race to being executed under US law.  If you happen to be of African-American extraction you are likely to be poor and unedcuated, therefore more likely to face 'cruel and unusual' punishment.  If you are African-American you are also more likely to be descended from slaves - the ugly legacy of slavery continues to this day.

    It is good that we are commemorating the work of Wilberforce and others, good that the C of E is recognising its part in slavery (would be good if other denominations were as honest), but if we don't recognise the immense legacy of past slavery and act to address that, then it all becomes idle talk.  Helen Prejean is quite clear that murder is wrong, that some sort of appropriate legal redress is needed; she is also clear that killing achieves nothing, noting the irony that the death certificate of an executed prisoner in the USA will read cause of death: legal homicide.

    Reading all this, and pondering it, in the run up to Easter is challenging.  A couple of thousand years ago the execution for blasphemy of an itinerant preacher changed the course of history.  Crucifixion was barbaric, but no more so than a decade or more on detah row waiting for someone to decide when to kill you.  I guess people can speculate what God might have had there not been a death penalty under Roman Law, or get into 'angry God beat up Jesus to save us' arguments.  It's an incredibly complex topic - beyond my brain on a Monday morning when I ought to be phoning the water board to get the chapel water suply cut off - but I'm glad that as I approach Holy Week I do so with a renewed sense of the horror of human inhumanity.

    PS if you want to find out more about Helen Prejean go to http://dpdiscourse.typepad.com/sisterhelen/

  • Away with the Fairies?

    Radio 2 listeners will know that around 6:20a.m. every day Sarah Kennedy shares with the world  'religious news' gleaned from the press - it is often pretty negative, even contradictory.  Today we had Archbishops Williams and Sentamu on the need for the C of E to offer apologies/make reparation over slavery and a piece in the Telegraph entitled 'Believers are Away with the Fairies' (here).  The arguments seem quite tired to me, though the title was vaguely amusing; even the speakers in the debate seem predicatable (here) but obviously it is a debate attracting lots of listeners - and that must indicate that the question of the relevance of religion is relevant, if nothing else.