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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 1127

  • A Very Itinerant Easter (and a very l-o-n-g post)

    (Picture from Google Images; copyright status unknown)
    This year Easter has been a very different experience as every step of the way we have been in a different venue with different people.  What has struck me about this is that in some ways this is more like the gospel record and less like nice traditional churchy Easter rituals.
    On Palm Sunday we met in our familiar setting of the primary school.  I kept it fairly traditional, partly because the previous two years I’d made it quite creative and partly because this year we have had a lot of ‘one off’ services – I felt people might like at least one point of relative stability.  That said, I did try to get them to offer statements of praise out loud as our ‘prayers of approach.’  I don’t know how many people joined in, as I did give them permission to whisper rather than shouting!  It was a far cry from the Palm Sunday exuberance recorded in the gospels.  Maybe I don’t have the ability to stir up a crowd, or maybe someone else has more ‘power’ in keeping them quiet - who knows?  Anyway, I finally delivered my thoughts on the two crowds and the quiet, focussed Jesus who was the only one who was clearly authentic; the still centre amidst the hubbub.
    Tuesday was the final lunchtime prayer meeting and my loyal group met at the manse to ponder the Beatitudes for the last time and share in a soup lunch.  Over the six weeks we raised £100 in donations (including some from the two Monday evening events) which we will split between The Leprosy Mission and BMS Relief Fund.  I hesitate to compare the manse to Bethany but it has been a place of quiet fellowship, and the homemade soup (they frown if I serve bought stuff!) has gone down well.  This is the third year now on this pattern and I am wondering how we can build on it without it turning into a dull routine or a tiresome burden – maybe a monthly meeting would be possible year round but with weekly prayers in Lent and Advent as at present.
    Maundy Thursday and for the second year running we joined with Dibley + 1 mile and Dibley + 2 miles Baptist churches for a supper and communion.  Dibley + 2 is currently undergoing major refurbishment and looks like a building site; it will be lovely when it’s done and will see the fellowship there move into a new phase of their mission and ministry as their former ‘sanctuary’ becomes a multi-purpose space.  As a result of the building work, there was limited electrical power and lighting, and as dusk gathered the candles were lit as we shared an Iona meditation Remember Me Today led by members of the host church followed by a simple, if rather “liturgical” communion.  The meditation was quite powerful.  As I leant against a pillar while we sang ‘When I Survey The Wondrous Cross’ and the last hints of daylight gave way to flickering tea lights, and again as chairs were shuffled round for us to pass the plate of bread, I had a sense that this was somehow closer to the Upper Room than many, if not most, Maundy Thursday services I have or will experience.
    Good Friday – the Churches Together children’s event with adult crèche – or so one of the vicars calls it.  This year I was overseeing the adult side and decided to have a bit of a change from the previous two (or more!) years, adapting a service offered in the Roots resource material.  Trying to coordinate readers and participants from five churches was interesting but my Methodist and Anglican colleagues were (on the whole) very helpful.  The service was quite visual, but I was particularly struck by the some of the audible aspects.  The sound of the nail being hammered through the titulus echoed through the building and the sound of the curtain being rent in two was also quite effective.  Despite the 15 minute delay as we waited for the children to re-join us at the end of the service, it seemed well received and the quiet period acted as a helpful bridge between our serious reflecting and the children’s frolicking.
    Easter Saturday – or Holy Saturday for purists - was as liturgically unsound as possible!  My little sister, who refuses to eat hot cross buns except on Good Friday, because she asserts it’s liturgically incorrect, opted to have a 40th birthday party on this date (and it wasn’t even near the day of her birthday!).  Had to be a party pooper and leave early in order to drive back from the well inside the M25 - I needed to be up early on Sunday (maybe unlike us here, Hertfordshire URCs think God has a lie in on Easter Sunday!).  An interesting experience because I actually find the ‘lost-ness’ of the Saturday quite an important part of the whole Easter experience.
    The Easter early service was a joint Methodist-Baptist event with my colleague leading Communion and me preaching.  I chose to use the whole of Mark 16, including the ‘longer ending,’ to pick a theme of a ‘never ending story’.   I always fancied composing my own synthesised gospel story in a style that combined the styles of the various writers: kai euthus, meta tauta, egeneto... (Just to prove my slog through trying to learn NT Greek wasn’t totally wasted, despite the fact that this text editor doesn't allow me Greek letters!) – I guess Mark 16: 9-20 almost does this.  The sermon almost got missed out – my colleague got so carried away with his prayers and Nicene Creed that we had to slot the sermon back in rather hurriedly before he got too far into the communion liturgy!  Just as well I’d kept it short (as requested) and felt sufficiently confident to abandon my notes and simply talk.  Sadly only a handful of my people chose to attend, and the whole congregation less than 20, but the Methodists were good hosts and the sermon well received.
    Sunday evening and Dibley plus 1 mile for third ‘date.’  A good day for it, being such a significant place it the Christian calendar.  A very skilfully led reflection on John 20: 1- 18 invited us to note how each person who came to the tomb saw a bit more than the one before until, finally, Mary as the apostle to the disciples not only saw and understood but was commissioned to go and tell.  I wonder, though no allusion was made to it, how each ‘date’ between our two congregations maybe allows us to see and understand a little more of what God might be saying about the future of our two fellowships?  I guess only time, and a few more trips back and forth, will tell.

    Tomorrow is Easter Monday and a chance to pause!  I guess in some sense Jesus has already gone ahead of to ‘Galilee’ and will meet us there.  In the meantime, it has been a very different Easter with a sense of ‘borrowed rooms’ that all too often is lost as we meet in our familiar places for our familiar routines.  Whilst I have missed the freedom to create a ‘whole’ Easter experience, I have benefited from being less a leader and more a participant.  Whilst other Easters have been far more significant at a personal/spiritual level, this one has brought its own insights, for which I am grateful.  The gospels show Easter as a time when donkeys, rooms and even graves were borrowed whilst people travelled back and forth along the way to understanding just what was happening; as we’ve met in borrowed rooms and travelled the odd mile or two between services, perhaps we have in some way had an experience of Easter that extends beyond what we’d anticipated or would ever have engineered.

  • Happy Easter

    Tomorrow the real work of Easter begins - lots of extra services and, this year, an unusually high level of itinerancy (very scriptural!) as we move from place to place for different events and days.  So this is sort of an Easter card from me to you, wishing you a really good Easter with space to experience something of the whole roller coaster of emotions it involves, culminating in hope and a future... and a chance to crash out after all the services are over!

    On Yahoo greetings (here) is my all time favourite kitsch Easter e-card - follow the link and then choose the 'He is Risen' e-card.  It's so bad it's good!

    Happy Easter one and all.

  • Trumpton and Crowds - Desperately seeking connections!!!

    Recently I posted some tentative thoughts relating to the crowds on Palm Sunday and Good Friday and wondering how authentic or otherwise they might have been.  Eventually I found someone vaguely on the same wavelength when I visited Simon Jones’ blog (see ‘Better Blogs’ list) who noted that Jesus was somehow the still centre in the turmoil and muddle of what was happening.  A relief to know I was not totally alone in my thinking!
    However, the comments and humour that flowed from that post made for interesting reading and, eventually got me back round to thinking about crowd mentality.  The coded references to parts of Leicestershire and reminiscences of childhood TV programmes at first sight had nothing to do with what I was thinking about and, indeed, in isolation still don’t.  But Andy’s suggestion that Windy Miller was a non-stipendiary minister (despite looking more like a stereotypical Quaker) got me pondering the ‘spirituality of Trumptonshire’ (obviously I do not have enough ‘real’ work to do!).
    As far as I can recall, there was no designated ‘place of worship’ (i.e. a church building) in Trumpton, Camberwick Green or Chigley.  So, if Andy’s suggestion is right, then Windy’s congregation must have met either in the open air or a hired building.  Perhaps Windy was really an early Methodist rather than a Quaker and rode around on his penny-farthing trike from village to village?  Anyway, with this thought I warmed to the idea of playing with ideas about Trumpton spirituality and wondered fleetingly how it reflected or anticipated real world experiences…
    Trumptonshire was, it seems, modelled on the Midland shire counties – apparently Melton Mowbray was one of the ‘models’ used.  Strange then, given their significance in the emergence of Protestant non-conformity that in Trumptonshire there are no churches or chapels, let alone clergy (after all even 1980’s Postman Pat has a vicar in Greendale!).  What defines and shapes Trumptonshire is not expressed in terms of a faith but some sort of middle class, middle England image of community spirit.  In Trumpton it is the town hall clock striking 9:00 a.m. and the evening Fire Brigade band concert at which everyone congregates (!) to be reminded that all is well.  In Chigley it is the village dance that follows the 6 o’clock whistle at the biscuit factory when the workers seem to entertain those who have no need of such employment, and once more there is a sense that all is right with the world before sundown.
    Trumptonshire was a good place to live – there were never any fires, no crime, only minor ailments for Dr Mopp to treat and Lord Belborough seemed to be as happy talking to Chippy Minton as to any of the local gentry.  The stories were incredibly innocent but brought lots of pleasure to 1960’s children.  It is too easy to pick holes and risk sullying otherwise precious memories.  But I do wonder how much the stories created an illusion of ‘community’ that did not exist even in then. 

    Perhaps the stories had no church because they never mentioned Sunday, or perhaps in the story tellers mind church was already an irrelevence.  Either way it does seem that Trumptonshire complete with its nice statue of Queen Victoria in the town square and impeccable morals, was already reflecting a 'post Christian' society.'

    The good people of Trumpton seemed happy enough to go with the flow and gather to hear the Fire Brigade band play the same tune every week, whilst the crowd at Chigley enjoyed the repetitive village dancing.  It was good TV for tinies, who love repetition and the security created by a familiar routine, and that’s undoubtedly the real motivation, but if I postulate for a moment that the crowds in the stories behaved like real crowds, then how authentic or otherwise was their behaviour?  Did they really enjoy life in Trumptonshire or were they just swept along by events?

    All of which goes to how that if you try hard enough you can connect any random pair of ideas!!!

    And as for Windy Miller, we now know he gets distracted by young female joggers after he eats Hovis… but that’s another story.

  • Jargon Busting

    Yesterday I attended my first School Governors' Meeting at the local Primary School.  Accepting this role has caused mixed responses from my Deacons but hey, we say we want to get more involved in the local community...

    I don't think I've ever heard so much jargon in one meeting - not even in the days when I did PSA and HFA for AGRs!  Thank goodness for Google, I now know what SEF and Panda mean in a schools context but still have to grasp a whole lot more acronymns.

    Somehow I ended up being the governor who links (but not in Governor language 'cos that means something else) with the teacher responsible for music!  I'd rather have RE, science or numeracy - but my Anglican colleague, also a former engineer, had beaten me to it.  That and having to pick a 'cohort' to follow - I chose year 4 'cos at least they can talk to you!

    It did make me realise though, how much jargon there is in churches that we all take for granted.  Aside from the weird concepts of 'sin' or 'salvation' there's all our institutional stuff which varies across traditions.  Try explaining to my sister's 8 year old that her Mummy being a URC elder is the same as my people being deacons and neither is the same as Methodist or Episcopal diaconal understandings!  Actually, try explaining it to my deacons...

    So now back to preparing for the DM (Deacons' meeting) with a report from the PMT (Property Management Team) the FG (Finance Group) and some correspondence from EMBA re: HMF (East Midland Baptist Association regarding Home Mission Funding)!  And not a furry mammal in sight... 

  • Table Talk

    As one of our Lent initiatives this year, I decided to have a go at 'Table Fellowship,' even though I wasn't exactly sure what that was meant to be/do!  I offered 6 Monday evening slots for groups of up to 5 to come to the manse for a meal during which we'd talk over a Bible story and share bread and "wine" (grape juice).  The plan had been to choose 6 different stories of meals Jesus shared and talk about them in six different groups.  In the end only two groups came and I opted to use the same passage each time - the Lukan account of the annointing of Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee.

    It was interesting to see what each group homed in on in the story, the themes that emerged and so on.

    The first group, all women, all retired, tended to wander off course quite regularly but were fascinated by the woman and her actions: why had she gone in the first place, why did she take this perfume with her, how much did she cry to make enough tears to wet someone's feet, how come no-one threw her out.

    The second group, mixed, and a bit younger (50 +!) were more focussed but were more intrigued by her 'sinful' nature and whether her hair would be too greasy to dry feet with!  They stressed the symbolism of the washing - a few tears easily wiped away - and were (apart from the personal hygiene topic!) more overtly spiritual in their discussions.  A lot of energy went into considering why it is that one who has been forgiven much loves more than one who has been forgiven little, and why it is that churches are full of 'nice' people who take their salvation for granted with little sense of joy or extravagant love.

    It is fascinating to compare how the groups worked with the passage and to reflect on the insights they drew from it.  They were two good evenings and worth repeating at some future date - perhaps not as part of a special series but as an occasional part of the worship life of our fellowship.  It was certainly a relaxed way of approaching 'Bible study' and made for two pleasant evenings for those who took part.

    Of course, one person, should he ever meet the woman in the story will be itching to ask her 'do you use Head and Shoulders'!