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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 13

  • Office now Tidy-ish

    After seven months, and two major festivals, my office reached a state known on certain circles as 'Peak Rachel'.  This afternoon I have tided it up to a level I can work with... not perfect, and I have way to much stuff in here, but at least both I and the cats can access our respective chairs!!

  • All Eastered Out!

    Easter services went well - but six events in a week (so seven in eight days, plus other church and vicar school stuff) is exhausting!

    I had a good time, church had a good time, and I received some lovely messages from people who joined us from other churches... and now I am mostly resting.

    I know that the season of Easter runs until Pentecost, but I am also very happy to be a proddy non-conformist and say that it's now done!  No preaches in April, and a couple of Sundays away from RTBC for various things, which all feels good.

    Resurrection is celebrated... and rest is being taken! 

  • A Table for Thirteen

    Ready for guests to arrive...

    The cloths have been ironed, the table set

    Wine is poured and bread prepared

    And now as darkness falls

    (And rain lashes the streets of this town)

    I must wait patiently....

  • Tenebrae...

    Apparently they have never done a Tenebrae here at RTBC... so tonight will be a first.  I hope they find it meaningful.  I've had fun creating place-cards for the Twelve, ironing table cloths, and thinking how to make a small meeting room in a Victorian Baptist church beautiful and welcoming.

    So far, Holy Week is going well, and I am managing to juggle two jobs and umpteen calls upon my time.  I knew bi-vocational ministry would bring many new challenges and this week is a definite example of that.

    After tonight it'll be three services done, three still to go...

  • Holy Week Preparations...

    Today I've been gathering up the props for tomorrow's all-age interactive Palm Sunday service.  Sold as 'shot glasses' these seem to be a bit cheaper than when sold as communion glasses... who knows?!

    Also have gluten free pitta bread, grapes, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, grape juice, berries, tulips, olive oil, baby oil, plastic palm branches, palm crosses... and my trusty box of thirty 10p pieces to throw across the room!

    Will pack it all later, but for now it's time to rest :-)