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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 14

  • Retreating...

    This week I spent three days on retreat with staff and students from Vicar School.  It was interesting being in a role that was neither leader nor participant, but more what my Mum would probably have termed 'general factotum'.  I had a brilliant time, learned a lot about general factotuming, and, along with a colleague, have a delightful tale to tell of how we rescued a dog and a man from a cave (in truth neither was in any danger, but both need our help, and it's a great tale!).

    Back home, the bites from the Cumbrian midges are at maximum itchiness, and I am totally wabbit, but I am looking forward to doing it all again in a year's time.

    The image is a plaque on the wall of the chapel at Rydal Hall, where we stayed.  I like the truth it expresses, perhaps more bluntly than the Psalmist, that wherever we are, and however we are, God is there... and that is good. 

  • Retreat Prep...

    I looked up and realised I had spent about four hours checking, correcting, printing, folding and collating stuff for the vicar school retreat. Very grateful to Sasha for your quality checks!

    Looking forward to some time spent away from computers and phones (at least mostly) and taking time simply to be rather than to do... at least as much as my job allows anyway!

  • Old Photo New Use (Maybe)

    Today I spent a little bit of time searching back through blog archives to find this photo (from May 2011) as it is me in my original 'Offensive'(TM) tee-shirt. (I know the photo is blurred as it's overstretched by the web platform; I have yet to track down the original from my files archive)

    I am pondering putting together a proposal for a short submission to a symposium for which it'll be a useful image... alongside one from 2024 of the equivalent purple tee-shirt.

    Watch this space!


  • Calendar Juggling!

    As the academic year (at least term time) draws to is end, I am starting to reflect on how my 'normal' working patterns have panned out... 

    Fair to say, it  hasn't been easy as both roles need flexibility in order to fit around the diverse needs of church and college.  It is even meaning that this year I'll be taking a major whack of my annual leave all on one month - not ideal on so many levels, but there we go.

    Today is pretending to be Thursday (with a few Monday interruptions) and Thursday will pretend to be Monday... or something like that anyway.

    I'm enjoying the challenge of working bi-vocationally (and wondering how on earth anyone manages a portfolio ministry)... I just need to get better at booking my downtime, which I think should be easier next academic year once I have a better sense of how academic and liturgical calendars mesh (or don't!).

    I guess this possibly means that August is going to be a month of (non-preaching) Sundays?   

  • Wonderful Phrases

    Many years ago, I heard a speaker at a Scottish Baptist Assembly use the phrase 'outrageous generosity' to describe something of the character of God.  I loved it, then, I love it now.

    Today, re-reading a bit of Moltmann, I came across the phrase (used pejoratively against his thinking back in the 1970s) of an 'obstreperous theology of hope'.  I love that phrase too, and will be using it in some prayers I'm leading tomorrow.

    Put them together and it's yet more wonderful... an obstreperous theology of hope in the God who is outrageously generous... I think I like that as concept to ponder for some time to come.