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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 40

  • Celebrating Diversity in Worship

    All too often, ecumenical becomes 'beige' a lowest common denominator, offend nobody and please nobody either dull experience.  This morning, college chapel was anything but beige and was full of love, life and laughter.  Alongside the two denominational colleges, the 'Open College' attracts students of other traditions including Unitarians (with whom there is a longstanding relationship) and Pentecostals.  This morning, the lead was taken by one student from each of these traditions, as well as a really broad range of inputs, as we were split into four groups each being given a task to complete and share with the rest of the congregation.

    The Bible reading was 1 Corinthians 12 - the body of many parts - a great lead into reflecting on diversity.

    One group (the one I was in) was given the task of creativity with paper and chalks/crayons.  We opted for drawing round our hands, adding a word, and then inviting others to do the same.

    One group was given 'music' and taught us a song from the World Church.

    One group was given 'words'.  This group included a profoundly deaf student who taught us the BSL signs for a range of different words we use in worship.

    The last group led us in silence, providing us with a visual focus of leaves gathered from the grounds.

    We sang a Unitarian hymn about love; we joined in a Pentecostal chant of praise; we shared some responsive prayers.  And somehow, by the grace of God, it all jelled.  It was authentic, it was fun and it was an expression of togetherness.

    So glad to have been there. 

  • Worshipping Together

    This morning I used one of the 'all together' activities I have used a few times over the years with different congregations, but I have to say that today was by far the best level of engagement that I have experienced, with people of all ages and stages joining in finding jigsaw pieces and gathering around the Communion table to build the picture.

    Next week we will have some play/pray dough so we'll see how that goes!!

  • A Manc Meander

    Today I was working in Manchester from 9:30 to 4:00, and knew I had evening commitments, so I went early in order to walk at a leisurely place from the railway to the college.  Like all Victorian, industrial cities, Manchester has some beautiful architecture, so long as you are willing to look up.  It is a city that also rewards those who choose narrower side streets, as illustrated by this view snapped in the aptly named Canal Street (part of the area still known as The Gay Village, or sometimes just The Village).  Former mills and warehouses now serve as offices and apartments, and the canal is largely unused.

    Always look up, my Dad, taught us, and he was wise.  A lovely meander, getting in my steps for the day and seeing a little more of this vibrant city.   

  • Something to ponder...

    Glen is my line manager in my new role, a wise and thoughtful person, a good theologian and a caring pastor.  Here he shares the story of his journey to becoming an Affirming Baptist...


    My own story is not very different, except it probably took longer in my case (I'd say it was about 13 - 14 years ago I reached an affirming standpoint).  On another day, I will share my story - not delaying for any other reason than I want you to hear Glen's story 'stand alone'

    Like many Christians, I have failed our LGBTQ+ siblings, and have much of which to repent.  I am grateful for the gracious LGBTQ+ people who have stuck with the church, and stayed in relationship with me as I travelled along this path.

  • Bringing the House Down?

    This morning I was received into Membership at Railway Town Baptist Church - it was very moving, especially being on the 'other end' of words I have led so many times over the years.

    The service seemed to go well - people were very kind in their comments, and no-one seemed to object to the service lasting 1.25 hours including Communion.  The musicians did a great job with a blend of live and recorded music, so all was well.

    When we were locking up, we discovered we were inside a police cordon, with a fire engine parked right outside our gate.  A partial building collapse had occurred opposite us (probably only a chimney, and no casualties,thankfully).  Hopefully my preaching didn't actually bring the house down!