I was pleased when my new light read arrived... but Sophie thought she had first dibs... I may have to wait for my turn with the book!
A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 43
Worth a Listen
For a decade now, I have regularly tuned in to the smallVOICE podcast - a roughly monthly, mostly magazine style, production from GRF Christian radio. It's always thoughtful and often thought-provoking. It tackles all sorts of topics, and this month offers a very helpful offering reflecting on the reports of the trial of serial killer Lucy Letby. I really appreciated that the team were willing to recognise that this is complicated and nuanced topic, at the heart of which is so much human tragedy, and to ponder the Christian tenet of a God of love and forgiveness.
Always worth a listen, you can find this month's offering here
Pretend Saturday
Today is my pretend Saturday... which has been mostly 'life admin' so far (though I really ought to do something really dull like housework!)
I wandered up to my new GP practice - part of a mahoosive primary care centre which houses two GP practices, a pharmacy (where my prescriptions will be sent) and a whole load of other services. I have no idea (nor did the very lovely receptionist) when my records from NHS Scotland might find their way here... and having looked at a system access request and all that's involved, I probably won't try to get my own copy.
Much easier was registering the cats with a new vet - one phone call and their records are being sent to the new practice. Simples!
I also updated my home insurance... apparently it costs more to insure my stuff inside a 1930s house in a small town than it did in a 2000s flat in a big city. Most odd! Still, it's only an extra £15 a year!
Familiar names...
I am slowly settling into a routine for parts of my journey that I walk.
This street sign makes me smile, because of its similarity to the name of the road where the BUS headquarters were when I moved to Glasgow. Small things, small minds!
The Arranging of Chairs...
This weekend was my first 'student facing' experience and mainly consisted of leading two acts of worship.
On Sunday morning, I was up early to arrange the chairs (and clear away the detritis from Saturday). It took me back to my student days, when I was chapel stwear, and on through the years of ministry, mostly in multi-functional or borrowed spaces, and the endless rearranging of chairs.
Nothing is every wasted - and my chair shifting skills remain useful!!