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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 428

  • Q and A

    Now and then I look at the stats for this blog, including the 'key word searches'.

    One last month was "do any Baptist ministers in Scotland wear a dog collar?"

    The answer is "yes, at least one, and sometimes: wedding, funerals and hopsital visits"

    I wonder what curious searches this month will bring??!

  • White Rabbits and Yorkshire and Lammas and Whatever

    This week has flown by in a blur worthy of a 100m sprint - between watching a lot of live sport (netball, lane bowls and hockey), getting ready for Sunday (printing colouring sheets, service leaflets, advertising via soical media etc) and trying to keep on top of the washing, if not the ironing, I have been very happily and busily employed.

    1st August is evidently Yorkshire Day and Lammas so all manner of wierd and wonderful celebrations going on across these islands.

    A few minutes ago we taped and tacked the ethernet cable in place ready for Sunday's live stream... I really hope the internet holds up and doesn't crash out on bandwidth or anything else!  Across this part of Glasgow ovens are producing yummy smells as cakes are baked.  Traffic cones have spring up overnight in readiness for the road closures... it will be exicting.

    Glasgow has done itself proud, there is no doubting that for a pico-second, and I've had an absolute ball.  The climax has to be Sunday which draws together so much that matters to me...

    • Mission in many modes: cakes, drinks, loos, live stream and kiddies colouring
    • Worship: Commonwealth songs of praise
    • Life in its fullness: my friend and I watching the netball finals

    All too soon it will be a memory but this 1st August as white rabbits hop around the white rose county in lammas sunshine, there is much fr which to give thanks.

  • Ancient proverb (not)

    She that juggleth too many balls shall surely drop at least one.


    Ooops, egg on face moment - forgot about one meeting and went to another instead... having way too much fun this week doing way too many things.  Thankfully all now sorted and nearly back on track.


    Quick 'hello' to Kiwi readers and thank you for lovely, encouraging email message... have enjoyed watching the Silver Ferns in action at Glasgow 2014 and expecting to see them in the final on Sunday :-)

  • Push, Pull, Do What You Have to Do...

    A line from East 40's Commonwealth Games song (sadly not been heard at any event I've been to)

    So, this is one last push, pull, doing what I have to do to get the message out there about this Sunday's #Glasgow2014 #Cycleroadrace #bringiton #commonwealthgames events at the Gathering Place!

    Please, please pass on to anyone who might be interested.  Google 'Trystcycle' or 'Commonwealth Songs of Praise' and our public facebook stuff should pop up.

    It's gonna be mega and the bake-a-thonis underway with everyhting from bara brith to baktwell tart via shortbread, scones, pancakes, Dundee cake, donuts and anything else we can think of!


    trystcycle poster.jpg


  • Bring it on Glasgow!

    Some people who daft things... like trying to go to lots of Glasgow 2014 events whilst working full time... it is exhausting but such great fun.  Today is quieter and will begin with some admin worky stuff before Coffee Club and then netball this evening.

    From jocular Welsh security guards to Clyedsiders who still don't quite know their left and right, to jolly Derbyshire bus drivers who know one route and one route only, there is a happy atmosphere and a sense of all being on the same side, all part of one big thing that is bigger than nationality or race or language or any other descriptor... as in Manchester, so in Glasgow, I am granted a glimspe of the vision of 'no more race, status, gender...'

    From netball to lawn bowls, rhythmic gymnastics to hockey, I seen some amazing sport, marvelled at skill, agility, athleticism and diversity.  I've sat oppsite athletes and officials on trains and buses (none I recognised, they probably don't use public transport).  I have shouted for England, for Scotland, for Wales, for Malawi, for New Zealand, for Northern Ireland along with crowds who love an underdog and admire the top flight too.

    I have eaten way too many sandwiches, not a few cakes, and drunk copious amounts of water.

    I have sat on blistering heat and wondered why I'd chosen to wear jeans, and in pouring rain glad of my waterproof and unbrella.

    I have sung 500 Miles in a 'choir' (so not) of around 4000 and done a slo-mo Mexican wave.

    There is something that overtakes individuality, be it everso fleetingly (and I  know PhDs have been written on it!) and in this case something that it good.

    One teensy weesny criticism though.... at every venue I've been to thus far we've been told to stand at various points... nope, "please stand if you can" or "if you are able".... if I can train churches to do this, the Commonwealth Games is my next challenge!!