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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 532

  • Let the Countdown Begin...

    500 days to the Glasgow Commonwealth games...  it's hard to believe it's 12 years since the equivalent countdown to Manchester 2002.  I hope I enjoy this one as much - I'm sure I will.

  • Fourth Sunday in Lent

    Laetere Sunday, Rose Sunday, Mothering Sunday, Mothers' Day... one Sunday, many names.  And so my challenge to choose a hymn from BPW to share.

    On the grounds that this Sunday is the 'day off' from Lent I have extended my scope to include the subject index in the back of the hymnbook, and even to the small selection for Mothering Sunday.  In the end I opted for this one (BPW 500) which seems the most fitting...


    Lord of the home, your only Son

    Received a mother's tender love;

    And from an earthly father won

    His vision of your home above.


    Help us, O Lord, our homes to make

    Your Holy Spirt's dwelling place;

    Our hands and hearts' devotion tell,

    May faithful lives your glory show.


    Pray we that all who with us dwell,

    Your love and joy and peace may know;

    And while our lips your praises tell,

    May faithful lives your glory show.


    Teach us to keep our homes so fair,

    That were our Lord a child once more,

    He might be glad our hearth to share,

    And find a welcome at our door.


    Lord, may your Spirirt sanctify

    Each household duty we fulfil,

    May we our Master glorify

    In glad obedience to your will.

    Albert F Bayly (c) OUP


    I like the image of our homes being a place where the child-Christ, the boy Jesus, would  be glad to live - I likee it, and it challenges me.

  • Count Your Blessings: Days 25 and 26


    Afghanistan, has received a loom from Christian Aid partner RAADA to enable her to make an income from her skill at weaving traditional Afghan rugs. It takes her about 3 months to finish a carpet which she sells for about US$60. The carpets are made from wool from her own animals, and the extra income means she has more money for her family.

    Give thanks for mothers and carers throughout the world who work hard to look after their families.
    Visit christianaid.org.uk/motheringsunday for a thought-provoking Mothering Sunday church service plan, featuring more on Golbibi.


    Golbibi Kohsani, has two children and lives in Afghanistan. A war in Afghanistan has left many people poor, especially women. Christian Aid, through a local organisation called RAADA, has given Golbibi a loom – a machine for making rugs and carpets. Golbibi uses wool from her sheep to make rugs, which she sells to make more money to help look after her family. Write a prayer on another sheet of paper to say thanks for women and carers all over the world who work so hard to care for children.

    Mothers and carers... looking after their families... OK, you know what's coming next - my semantics check.  'Mother' may be definable, even if it is sometimes prefaced by words such as grand, step, foster, birth or adoptive but 'carer'... do we include midwives and community nurses?  nursery nurses and teachers?  baby-sitters and child-minders? siblings? cousins? leaders of clubs and organisations? where does 'family' end and 'community' or 'society' begin?  Or is that, really, the point?

    And care is not 'just' about infants and children... what of care for those who are unwell, or have disabilities, or who are elrderly or dying?  Even those who have died?  home helps and health care assitants? welfare rights advisers and counsellors? hospices and undertakers?  Once yoyu begin to think, the list gets longer and longer...

    Thank you God who can been known as family or community

    And is more than either or both

    For those whose care,

    In the context of family

    And lived within some expression of community

    Has enriched my life

    And which enriches the lives of others

    It is too difficult to define

    Or confine

    Those who have cared

    Do care

    Will care

    For 'me and mine'

    To 'we'

    To blood

    To kin

    To any group

    Or purpose.

    So, thank you God for

    All who care






    Female and male

    Old and young

    Chosen or enforced

    Trained or untrained

    Paid or unpaid

    For agencies and societies

    For structures and guidelines

    For all who have cared

    Do care

    And will care


    My pledge

    Today - one prayer

    Total - £23.85, five prayers, one rant and one e-petition signed

  • On Not Defending Women's Ministries...

    Go here and read.  Very thoughtful and thought provoking; clever and subversive.

  • International Women's Day

    "Just sayin"

    More info here